Instant Pots are wonderful, but the times is a bit misleading because you the IP has to come to pressure before it starts the countdown to the finish and this can take between 10-15 minutes, depending on what you're cooking and if you are cooking frozen meat. You can add frozen meat, no problem, but it will take the IP longer to come to pressure. It always helps to start with hot tap water, too.
The dreaded burn notice, this does happen sometimes, if it does, immediately shut off the unit, do a quick release and access what has stuck to the bottom. This can happen if you don't have enough liquid or if you don't scape the bottom of the pot after sautéing meat that sticks to the bottom when it is browning.
Always check your pot after you saute, and then add some liquid to deglaze and scrape with a wooden spatula to lift any stuck food.
I read over and over where people are scared of these. Don't be. Nothing is going to explode, these are not your grandma's pressure cooker that you used on the stove and had to regulate, these are a no brainer.
I find that I don't use the function buttons that much, but they're nice to have if you need them. Mostly I use the manual setting (button at the bottom right side, then choose minutes). I do like the rice button and use it a lot.
There is so much information online about these units, a really good place to start is on Facebook if you're looking for information.
Here's an excellent group, its very active and these people will guide you if you have issue.